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  1. Georg Rehm; Andy Way (Hrsg.)

    European Language Equality: A Strategic Agenda for Digital Language Equality

    Cognitive Technologies, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2/2023.

  2. Introducing the Digital Language Equality Metric: Contextual Factors

    In: Itziar Aldabe; Begona Altuna; Aritz Farwell; German Rigau (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Workshop Towards Digital Language Equality (TDLE 2022; co-located with LREC 2022). Workshop Towards Digital Language Equality (TDLE-2022), located at LREC 2022, June 21-23, Marseille, France, Pages 13-26, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 6/2022.

  3. Federico Gaspari; Owen Gallagher; Georg Rehm; Maria Giagkou; Stelios Piperidis; Jane Dunne; Andy Way

    Introducing the Digital Language Equality Metric: Technological Factors

    In: Itziar Aldabe; Begoña Altuna; Aritz Farwell; German Rigau (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Workshop Towards Digital Language Equality (TDLE 2022; co-located with LREC 2022). Workshop Towards Digital Language Equality (TDLE-2022), Marseille, France, Pages 1-12, European Language Resources Association, 6/2022.

  4. Itziar Aldabe; Jane Dunne; Aritz Farwell; Owen Gallagher; Federico Gaspari; Maria Giagkou; Jan Hajic; Jens Peter Kückens; Teresa Lynn; Georg Rehm; German Rigau; Katrin Marheinecke; Stelios Piperidis; Natalia Resende; Tea Vojtvechová; Andy Way

    Overview of the ELE Project

    In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT-2022), Ghent, Belgium, Pages 351-352, European Association for Machine Translation, 6/2022.

  5. Georg Rehm; Federico Gaspari; German Rigau; Maria Giagkou; Stelios Piperidis; Annika Grützner-Zahn; Natalia Resende; Jan Hajic; Andy Way

    The European Language Equality Project: Enabling digital language equality for all European languages by 2030

    In: ´eljko Jozić; Sabine Kirchmeier (Hrsg.). The Role of National Language Institutions in the Digital Age -- Contributions to the EFNIL Conference 2021 in Cavtat. Pages 17-47, ISBN 978-963-9074-92-7, Nyelvtudományi Kukatóközpont, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary, 2022.