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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 128.
  1. Indexing PROLOG Procedures into DAGs by Heuristic Classification

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 93-05, 1993.

  2. Hans-Günther Hein

    Propagation Techniques in WAM-based Architectures --- The FIDO-III Approach

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 93-04, 1993.

  3. Harold Boley; Ulrich Buhrmann; Christof Kremer

    Konzeption einer deklarativen Wissensbasis über recyclingrelevante Materialien

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 93-03, 1993.

  4. Pierre Sablayrolles; Achim Schupeta

    Conflict Resolving Negotiation for COoperative Schedule Management Agents (COSMA)

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 93-02, 1993.

  5. Otto Kühn; Andreas Birk

    Reconstructive Integrated Explanation of Lathe Production Plans

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 93-01, 1993.

  6. Hans-Jürgen Bürckert; Werner Nutt (Hrsg.)

    Modeling Epistemic Propositions

    DFKI, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 93-25, 1993.

  7. Brigitte Krenn; Martin Volk

    DiTo-Datenbank: Datendokumentation zu Funktionsverbgefügen und Relativsätzen

    DFKI, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 93-24, 1993.

  8. Andreas Abecker

    Implementierung graphischer Benutzungsoberflächen mit Tcl/Tk und Common Lisp

    DFKI, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 93-22, 1993.

  9. Dennis Drollinger

    Intelligentes Backtracking in Inferenzsystemen am Beispiel Terminologischer Logiken

    DFKI, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 93-21, 1993.