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Displaying results 71 to 80 of 402.
  1. Laura Hein; Malte Högemann; Katharina-Maria Illgen; Daniel Stattkus; Enrico Kochon; Maja-Gwendoline Reibold; Jannick Eckle; Lena Seiwert; Jan Heinrich Beinke; Julia Knopf; Oliver Thomas

    ChatGPT als Unterstützung von Lehrkräften – Einordnung, Analyse und Anwendungsbeispiele

    In: HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (HMD), Vol. 61, No. 2, Pages 449-470, Springer, 2/2024.

  2. Alina Boehm; Tim Schneider; Boris Belousov; Alap Kshirsagar; Lisa Lin; Katja Doerschner; Knut Drewing; Constantin A. Rothkopf; Jan Peters

    What Matters for Active Texture Recognition With Vision-Based Tactile Sensors

    In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-2024), IEEE, 2024.

  3. Quantum inspired image augmentation applicable to waveguides and optical image transfer via Anderson Localization

    In: ICASSP 2024-2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …

  4. Object Detection for Human-Robot Interaction and Worker Assistance Systems

    In: John Soldatos. Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: Enabling Intelligent, Flexible and Cost-Effective Production Through AI. Pages 319-332, …

  5. Manuel Reif; Mohammad Hossein Rimaz; Christiane Plociennik; Martin Ruskowski; Alexander David

    Shared Digital Product Passport for holistic lifecycle assessment

    In: atp - Automatisierungstechnische Praxis, Vol. 66, No. 4, Pages 58-65, Vulkan-Verlag, 4/2024.

  6. Christiane Plociennik; Ali Nazeri; Mohammad Hossein Rimaz; Svenja Knetsch; Alice do Carmo Precci Lopes; Tabea Hagedorn; Julian Baehr; Malte Vogelgesang; Chanchan Li; Wladislaw Benner; Bernd Kellerer; Emanuel Ionescu; Martin Ruskowski; Anke Weidenkaff

    Connecting Producers and Recyclers: A Digital Product Passport Concept and Implementation Suitable for End-of-Life Management

    In: Luca Settineri; Paolo C. Priarone (Hrsg.). Procedia CIRP. CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (CIRP LCE-2024), June 19-21, Turin, Italy, …

  7. Maria Kunilovskaya; Koel Dutta Chowdhury; Heike Przybyl; Cristina España-Bonet; Josef van Genabith

    Mitigating Translationese with GPT-4: Strategies and Performance

    In: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Annual Conference of the European Association for …

  8. Cristina España-Bonet; Ankur Bhatt; Koel Dutta Chowdhury; Alberto Barrón-Cedeño

    When Elote, Choclo and Mazorca are not the Same. Isomorphism-based Perspective to the Spanish Varieties Divergences

    In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial). Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, …

  9. Cristina España-Bonet; Alberto Barrón-Cedeño

    Elote, Choclo and Mazorca: on the Varieties of Spanish.

    In: 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Annual Conference of the North American …

  10. To Clarify or not to Clarify: A Comparative Analysis of Clarification Classification with Fine-Tuning, Prompt Tuning, and Prompt Engineering

    In: Yang Cao; Isabel Papadimitriou; Anaelia Ovalle; Marcos Zampieri; Frank Ferraro; Swabha Swayamdipta (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of …