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Cognitive Assistants


Page 1 of 33.

  1. PABeLA - Test laboratory for the automated evaluation of LLM-based AI systems in their impact on journalism and opinion formation

    Demokratische Gesellschaften leben von der Pluralität und dem Aushandeln von Meinungen. Daher stellen potentiell vielfaltsverengende Technologien nicht nur eine abstrakte, sondern konkrete Gefahr für…

  2. RAASCEMAN - Resilient and Adaptive Supply Chains for Capability-based Manufacturing as a Service Networks

    The manufacturing sector faces challenges such as increasing international competition, political tensions, material shortages or unpredictable natural events. The RAASCEMAN project aims to mitigate…

  3. DuITeasy - Lifelong assistance platform based on an open federated data and services ecosystem and smart metering systems

    The European population is aging. New strategies, systems, and technologies are needed that use already existing data collection systems in the living environment and support a self-determined life…

  4. SignReality - SignReality - Extended Reality for Sign Language translation

    The research project “SignReality - Extended Reality for Sign Language translation” has as goal the development of an augmented reality (AR) model and application visualizing an animated interpreter…

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Gundula Kleiner
Phone: +49 681 85775 5290

Iris Lambrecht
Phone: +49 681 85775 5006

Team Assistant:
Sylvia Krüger
Phone: +49 681 85775 5152

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
Saarland Informatics Campus, Geb. D3 2
66123 Saarbrücken