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  1. Paul Libbrecht

    Enhanced Dictionary

    Deliverable, Vol. D15, 2006.

  2. Paul Libbrecht

    Copy and Paste Facility

    Deliverable, Vol. D26, 2006.

  3. Paul Libbrecht; E. Machuca; M. Spanbroek

    Loosely Coupling Web-Applications

    In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptive Systems for Web-Based Education: Tools and Reusability at AIED 2005. International Conference on …

  4. Paul Libbrecht; Stefan Winterstein

    The Service Architecture in the ACTIVEMATH Learning Environment

    In: First International Kaleidoscope Learning Grid SIG Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments. International Kaleidoscope Learning Grid SIG …

  5. Paul Libbrecht

    Authoring Web Content in ActiveMath: From Developer Tools and Further

    In: Alexandra Cristea; Franca Garzotto (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Authoring Adaptive and Adaptable Educational …

  6. Carsten Ullrich; Paul Libbrecht; Stefan Winterstein; Martin Mühlenbrock

    A Flexible and Efficient Presentation-Architecture for Adaptive Hypermedia: Description and Technical Evaluation

    In: Kinshuk; C. Looi; E. Sutinen; D. Sampson; I. Aedo; L. Uden; E. Kähkönen (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Advanced …

  7. Erica Melis; Jochen Büdenbender; Giorgi Goguadze; Paul Libbrecht; Carsten Ullrich

    Knowledge Representation and Management in ActiveMath

    In: Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 38 - Special Issue on Management of Mathematical Knowledge, No. 1-3, Pages 47-64, …

  8. Erica Melis; Giorgi Goguadze; Paul Libbrecht; I. Normann; Carsten Ullrich; Stefan Winterstein

    Education-Relevant Features in ActInMath

    In: Online Educa, 9th International Conference on technology Supported Learning and Training. International Conference on Technology Supported …

  9. Paul Libbrecht; Carsten Ullrich; Stefan Winterstein

    An Efficient Presentation-Architecture for Personalized Content

    In: R. Tolksdorf; R. Eckstein (Hrsg.). Proceedings of Berliner XML Tage 2003. Berliner XML Tage, Pages 379-388, 2003.

  10. Alberto González Palomo; Paul Libbrecht; Carsten Ullrich

    A Presentation Architecture for Individualized Content

    In: Paul de Bra (Hrsg.). Workshop on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems. Augmented Human International Conference (AH-2003), May 20, …


Shannon Kittrell, B.A.
Phone: +49 631 20575 4010

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Research Department Embedded Intelligence
Trippstadter Str. 122
67663 Kaiserslautern