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Multilinguality and Language Technology


Page 26 of 26.

  1. RELATOR - Distributed European Linguistic Resource Repository

    RELATOR is a European-wide consortium of researchers who, with the support of the European Commission, are striving to establish a European repository …

  2. TSNLP - Test Suites for Natural Language Processing

    There is a growing awareness within the natural language (NL) community of the need for adequate assessment and evaluation methods and techniques for …

  3. EAGLES - Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards

    The Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards (EAGLES) is an initiative of the European Commission, within DG XIII Linguistic Research …

  4. Verbmobil - Translation of Spontaneous Speech

    Verbmobil is a long-term interdisciplinary Language Technology project. The Verbmobil System recognizes spoken input, analyzes and translates it, and …

  5. DISCO - Dialogue system fpr co-operating agents

    DISCO combines formal lingustic processing with dialogue management. The resulting natural language dialogue system integrates

    • a powerful and flexible …

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