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Prof. Dr. Günter Neumann

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Prof. Dr. Günter Neumann


Noon Pokaratsiri; Saadullah Amin; Günter Neumann (Hrsg.)

Workshop on Graph-Based Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs-17), ACL, 2024.

To the publication

Stalin Varanasi; Muhammad Umer Butt; Günter Neumann

In: Large Language Models for Natural Language Processing. International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP-2023), located at RANLP, September 4-6, Varna, Bulgaria, Pages 1171-1179, ISBN ISBN 978-954-452-092-2, INCOMA Ltd. Shoumen, BULGARIA, 9/2023.

To the publication

Tanja Bäumel; Soniya Vijayakumar; Josef van Genabith; Günter Neumann; Simon Ostermann

In: Yonatan Belinkov; Sophie Hao; Jaap Jumelet; Najoung Kim; Arya McCarthy; Hosein Mohebbi (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 6th BlackboxNLP Workshop: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP. Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP (BlackboxNLP-2023), Singapore, Pages 261-270, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023.

To the publication


Short biography

Günter Neumann is a principal researcher and Research Fellow at DFKI and professor for Computational Linguistics at the Saarland University. Neumann works in the Multilinguality and Language Technology research area at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).

He studied Computer Science, Computational Linguistics, and Artificial Intelligence, and obtained a PhD in Computer Science in 1994, and the Venia Legendi in Computational Linguistics in 2004, both from the Saarland University.
He was appointed apl. professor in 2014 from the Saarland University.
He has been working and extensively publishing in different areas of Computational Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence. Together with his team members, he has successfully participated at numerous international scientific challenges in the area of cross-lingual question answering, textual entailment, and fact verification with very good results (e, g., top rankings of their systems at CLEF, TAC and Fever 2.0).
Günter is a member of the standing reviewing committee of the Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL).
He was a member in several program committees for international conferences (e.g., AAAI, ACL, EACL, NAACL, Coling, EMNLP, LREC) and workshops related to Natural Language Parsing, Text Analytics, and ontology-based information extraction. Günter was a guest researcher at Stanford, CMU and M.I.T.
He has a more than 30 years professional experience in research software development, and has lead several governmental (EU and national) and industrial funded projects in the area of language technology, information extraction, text analytics, and question answering.


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