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Head of Research Department Multilinguality and Language Technology

Prof. Dr. Josef van Genabith

Contact +49 681 85775 5287 (Saarbrücken)

Address (Saarbrücken) Gebäude D3 2Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3D-66123 Saarbrücken
Prof. Dr. Josef van Genabith


Qianli Wang; Tatiana Anikina; Nils Feldhus; Josef van Genabith; Leonhard Hennig; Sebastian Möller

In: Su Lin Blodgett; Amanda Cercas Curry; Sunipa Dev; Michael Madaio; Ani Nenkova; Diyi Yang; Ziang Xiao (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Bridging Human-Computer Interaction and Natural Language Processing (HCI+NLP). NAACL Workshop on Bridging Human-Computer Interaction and Natural Language Processing (HCI+NLP-2024), located at North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL), Mexico City, Mexico, Association for Computational Linguistics. 2024.

To the publication

Niyati Bafna; Cristina España-Bonet; Josef van Genabith; Benoît Sagot; Rachel Bawden

In: Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2024), May 20-25, Turin, Italy, ELRA, 2024.

To the publication

Hongfei Xu; Yang Song; Qiuhui Liu; Josef van Genabith; Deyi Xiong

In: Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2024), May 20-25, Turin, Italy, ELRA, 2024.

To the publication



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