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Dr. phil. Henning Müller, M.Sc.

Organizational unit Plan-Based Robot Control
Contact +49 541 386050 2284 (Osnabrück)

Address (Osnabrück) Hamburger Straße 2449084 Osnabrück


All publications
  1. Evaluation of a decision support system for the recommendation of pasture harvest date and form

    Tobias Reuter; Juan Carlos Saborio; Christoph Tieben; Konstantin Nahrstedt; Franz Kraatz; Hendrik Meemken; Gerrit Hünker; Kai Lingemann; Gabriele Broll; Thomas Jarmer; Joachim Hertzberg; Dieter Trautz

    In: Christa Hoffmann; Anthony Stein; Arno Ruckelshausen; Henning Müller; Thilo Steckel; Helga Floto (Hrsg.). Informatik in der Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft -- Referate der 43. GIL-Jahrestagung. GIL-Jahrestagung (GIL-2023), 43. GIL-Jahrestagung, Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme, February 13-14, Osnabrück, Germany, Pages 489-494, ISBN 978-3-88579-724-1, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. Bonn,…


  • agrifoodTEF

    Test and Experiment Facilities for the Agri-Food Domain

    To foster sustainable and efficient agri-food production, agrifoodTEF gives companies and start-ups the validation tools they need to bridge the gap between prototypes and successful market products. …
