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Dipl.-Ges.Wirt (FH) Niels Will

Organizational unit Robotics Innovation Center
Contact +49 421 17845 6660 (Bremen)

Address (Bremen) Robert-Hooke-Straße 1D-28359 Bremen


All publications


  • AdaMeKoR

    AdaMeKoR project part: Robotic arm assistance system and integrated robotic concepts for patient transfer

    The overall objective of AdaMeKoR is the development of an adaptive and multifunctional motorized bed with robotic arm system for use in nursing.

    For this purpose, sensor components are developed,…

  • KALI

    Force-assisted, mobile systems for cargo handling and logistic chain

    Um die Arbeitsbedingungen bei der manuellen Handhabung in der Logistik zu optimieren, körperliche Belastungen zu reduzieren und die Logistikprozesse effizienter und effektiver zu gestalten, zielt das…
