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Head of the Research Department Experience-based Learning Systems

Prof. Dr. Ralph Bergmann

Address (Trier) Gebäude HBehringstraße 2154296 Trier
Prof. Dr. Ralph Bergmann


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Short Biography

Ralph Bergmann is full professor at Trier University since 2004 and is directing a research group on business informatics with a strong focus on Artificial Intelligence. Since 2020 he is topic-field leader for experience-based learning systems (EBLS) within the Trier Branch of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence. He led approx. 35 projects, funded by the European Union, the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, as well as by industrial companies. He authored more than 200 scientific papers (h-index 40), including four books and 13 edited proceedings volumes.

Over the past 30 years, Ralph Bergmann has significantly contributed to the foundations and applications of AI, including knowledge-based systems, knowledge representation and reasoning, case-based reasoning, machine learning, AI planning, and semantic technologies.

With the current focus on experience-based learning systems he aims at developing hybrid AI-systems integrating data-oriented AI methods (machine learning and case-based reasoning) with semantic technologies (ontologies and knowledge graphs) for modeling explicit knowledge. In current projects, he explores how experience-based learning systems can enable process redesign, adaptation, and flexible execution, and how process data can be analyzed with respect to resource and process diagnostics. Application fields include Industry 4.0 and other cyber-physical systems, construction, crisis management, service, medicine, cooking, and political argumentation.

  • KI-AIM

    AI-based anonymization in medicine

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  • KIAFlex

    Interactive AI assistance for predictive and flexible control in discharge and transition management

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  • DZW

    Digital twin in water resource management

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  • myRPA

    Experience-based Robotic Process Automation for Knowledge-based Personal Assistants

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    Artificial intelligence in the interconnected control center of the future

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