As part of its digitalization and innovation initiative "Networked City", the city of Gelsenkirchen is establishing an Artificial Intelligence ...
Die Daimler Truck AG (DTAG) ist einer der größten Nutzfahrzeughersteller der Welt. Seit dem 1. September 2022 ist das Unternehmen Konsortialführer …
Quelloffene Hardware-Architekturen wie RISC-V bieten eine unabhängige und kostengünstige Alternative zu den großen Chip-Herstellern. Um die vielen ...
More people are living in cities and ordering online. In the future, more goods will be moved on the roads, which will increase traffic and ...
The DFKI and its partners DB Systel GmbH, Siemens Mobility GmbH and TU Braunschweig are developing a concept which aims to solve general problems ...
Weiterhin flexibel und unterstützt von den mobisaar-Lotsinnen und -Lotsen unterwegs im saarländischen ÖPNV
„mobisaar –Mobilität für alle“
Security chips are essential for many providers of electronic devices, from small personal devices to automobiles. They should be open, flexibly ...
The project "mobisaar - Mobility for everyone" has passed the acid test. The Saarland Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor, Energy, and Transport …
Berlin / Kaiserslautern – The city state of Berlin, represented by Tegel Projekt GmbH, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence …
Microelectronics is known as a key technology for many future developments, from autonomous cars to intelligent fridges. Small and medium-sized ...