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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 8 of 8.
  1. DFKI at Hannover Messe 2023

    DFKI at Hannover Messe 2023

    Synthetic data for environmental protection, AI methods for the resilient and crisis-resistant manufacturing industry, quantum computing, dynamic ...

  2. 20,000 euros for a household robot? – Prof. Jan Peters in an expert interview

    20,000 euros for a household robot? – Prof. Jan Peters in an expert interview

    What are the challenges of autonomous intelligent systems, why can robots and humans learn so much from each other when playing table tennis and air ...

  3. 5G and AI – Synergy in the Digital Age

    5G and AI – Synergy in the Digital Age

    5G is more than a fast cellular connection. 5G is a key technology in the age of digital networks. In combination with artificial intelligence, new ...

  4. Establishment of SmartFactory-EU

    Establishment of SmartFactory-EU

    The signing of a pioneering agreement in Eindhoven (NL) by three renowned institutions on September 26, 2019 marked the creation of the European ...

  5. FFPA completes technical specifications to stabilize various wireless communication systems co-located in factory sites

    FFPA completes technical specifications to stabilize various wireless communication systems co-located in factory sites

    A progress toward visualization and integrated management of various information

  6. Bessere Arbeit mit KI – Arbeitsminister Heil besucht das DFKI

    Bessere Arbeit mit KI – Arbeitsminister Heil besucht das DFKI

    Künstliche Intelligenz verändert die Arbeitswelt umfassend. Sie hat das Potential, dem Menschen als digitaler Arbeitspartner zur Seite zu stehen und ...

  7. Strengthening Research in Artificial Intelligence

    Strengthening Research in Artificial Intelligence

    DFKI-Lower Saxony Labs open in Osnabruck and Oldenburg

  8. Bund fördert Software-Cluster-Internationalisierungsstrategie

    Der deutsche Software-Cluster wird ab 2016 seine internationale Vernetzung mit dem Silicon Valley, Singapur und Brasilien ausbauen. Unterstützung ...