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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 10 of 28.
  1. Resource-aware Edge AI enables AI applications on mobile devices – DFKI and Inria launch joint FAIRe project

    Resource-aware Edge AI enables AI applications on mobile devices – DFKI and Inria launch joint FAIRe project

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is finding increasingly diverse applications in the physical world, especially on embedded, cyber-physical devices with ...

  2. EU project CORTEX2 launches €3 million call for the joint development and validation of an extended reality platform

    EU project CORTEX2 launches €3 million call for the joint development and validation of an extended reality platform

    The EU-funded CORTEX2 project is investing €3,000,000 in its first open call to investigate, advance and demonstrate the technical features offered by ...

  3. Network of excellence paves the way for edge AI technologies
  4. EU Sharespace project for radically new XR technology

    EU Sharespace project for radically new XR technology

    How could humans use digital avatars in the near future? How can we engage in social situations that include both human and automated avatars? And ...

  5. Artificial intelligence for a safe and sustainable construction industry

    Artificial intelligence for a safe and sustainable construction industry

    DFKI coordinates new EU project HumanTech

  6. High-resolution radar sensors and AI for safe autonomous driving – project AuRoRaS
  7. ENNOS kombiniert 3D-Kameras und Neuronale Netze für die Produktion der Zukunft
  8. Kameramatrix als Abstandssensor und Bildgeber für autonomes Fahren und Montageprozesse

    Kameramatrix als Abstandssensor und Bildgeber für autonomes Fahren und Montageprozesse

    Neue kompakte, energieeffiziente und rekonfigurierbare Kamera zur räumlichen Analyse präziser Farb- und Tiefeninformationen in Echtzeit vorgestellt.

  9. Launch of new EU project –“BIONIC,” an intelligent sensor network designed to reduce the physical demands at the workplace

    Launch of new EU project –“BIONIC,” an intelligent sensor network designed to reduce the physical demands at the workplace

    Many workers complain of symptoms caused by physical strain suffered in the workplace. The common causes for this are incorrect loading of the ...

  10. Was der Computer sieht, aber nicht versteht – Forschungsprojekt VIDETE entwickelt neue KI-Methoden für Maschinelles Sehen

    Was der Computer sieht, aber nicht versteht – Forschungsprojekt VIDETE entwickelt neue KI-Methoden für Maschinelles Sehen

    Im Forschungsprojekt VIDETE werden neue Verfahren der Künstlichen Intelligenz auf Basis neuronaler Netze entwickelt, damit Computer besser verstehen, ...