Die Verwaltungsschalte entwickelt sich zur Schlüsseltechnologie für die Umsetzung neuer Produktionsarchitekturen. Aus dem digitalen Typenschild ...
Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), operated and controlled by artificial intelligence (AI) methods, inspect, maintain, and repair offshore ...
Hitachi and DFKI have been collaborating on various research projects for many years. Hitachi is now presenting joint current research with DFKI, …
Whether pain in the back, shoulders or knees: Incorrect posture in the workplace can have consequences. A sensor system developed by researchers …
What condition are the world's oceans in? To find out, numerous autonomous underwater buoys are drifting through the oceans and collecting data. …
Numerous sensor systems in the North Sea record wind, humidity, hours of sunshine and many other environmental parameters. In the future, …
Gastbeitrag von Prof. Dr. Oliver Zielinski, Leiter des Forschungsbereichs Marine Perception, DFKI Labor Niedersachsen
Forschende aus Oldenburg und Kunstschaffende aus Hamburg und München haben gemeinsam ein Kunstprojekt realisiert. Das Ergebnis ist eine Reihe von ...
Seit dem 1. September 2021 hat Dr. Stefan Stiene eine Professur für intelligente Agrarsysteme an der Hochschule Osnabrück inne. Nach über 10 …
Daniel Lukats has received the Bernard Rincklake Prize of Münster University of Applied Sciences, endowed with 1500 euros, for his Master's …