The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and Google are intensifying their collaboration. With funding from Google, four new ...
As part of its digitalization and innovation initiative "Networked City", the city of Gelsenkirchen is establishing an Artificial Intelligence ...
DFKI has been cooperating with the State and Federal Criminal Police Offices since 2021 with the aim of using artificial intelligence for police ...
New project aims to improve and speed up the processing, analysis and recovery of crime-fighting data.
The Yield consortium uses satellite data and artificial intelligence to reliably predict agricultural yields. In collaboration with BASF Digital ...
Hacking for civil and disaster protection
Are you interested in the topics of "Anomaly and Change Point Detection" or are you already working in the field and looking for an opportunity to ...
Wenn Künstliche Intelligenz bei Diagnosen mitdenkt oder wie aus Pferden Zebras werden. Was ist eine „intelligente“ Wursttheke und wie denkt …
German-French project R4Agri launched
Pandemie-Simulationen für Kommunen, auf wissenschaftlicher Basis: Im Forschungsprojekt AScore ist ein Pandemie-Cockpit entstanden, welches ...