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News Overview

Displaying results 61 to 70 of 1368.
  1. Smart region: Transferlab develops AI solutions for the Eifel region

    Smart region: Transferlab develops AI solutions for the Eifel region

    Flood forecasting, energy management, mobility - the Eifel district, a group of well-known companies and DFKI are setting up a joint transfer lab …

  2. Rolf Drechsler becomes a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery

    Rolf Drechsler becomes a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery

    Rolf Drechsler, Head of DFKI's Cyber-Physical Systems research department and Professor of Computer Architecture at the University of Bremen, has …

  3. Making Germany AI-proof in the years to come

    Making Germany AI-proof in the years to come

    AI has gained enormous scientific, economic, and social importance in recent years. At the same time, international competition in science and ...

  4. Plan-based robot control research department in Lower Saxony gets co-head with Prof. Dr. Martin Atzmüller

    Plan-based robot control research department in Lower Saxony gets co-head with Prof. Dr. Martin Atzmüller

    The Plan-Based Robot Control research department, which is located at the Lower Saxony site of the German Research Center for Artificial …

  5. Demo Day des Forums Digitale Technologien: KI zur Prozessoptimierung im Bauwesen

    Demo Day des Forums Digitale Technologien: KI zur Prozessoptimierung im Bauwesen

    Am 23.01.2024 findet die zweite Ausgabe des Demo Days zum Thema „Digitales Bauen und smarte Gebäude“ des Forum Digitale Technologien in Berlin statt.

  6. Planspiel Künstliche Intelligenz – Unternehmen spielerisch auf den Einsatz von KI vorbereiten
  7. Resource-aware Edge AI enables AI applications on mobile devices – DFKI and Inria launch joint FAIRe project

    Resource-aware Edge AI enables AI applications on mobile devices – DFKI and Inria launch joint FAIRe project

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is finding increasingly diverse applications in the physical world, especially on embedded, cyber-physical devices …

  8. Andreas Dengel appointed Fellow of the Asia-Pacific AI Association

    Andreas Dengel appointed Fellow of the Asia-Pacific AI Association

    Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Andreas Dengel was elected a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific AI Association (AAIA) on January 15, 2024. The AAIA thus honors his ...

  9. Machine Intelligence and Human Uniqueness

    Machine Intelligence and Human Uniqueness

    Radiologists benefit from Artificial Intelligence in diagnostic support. Employees in multilingual, transnational companies are delighted with the ...

  10. Grüne Woche 2024 - DFKI presents strawberry picking robot and AI ecosystem

    Grüne Woche 2024 - DFKI presents strawberry picking robot and AI ecosystem

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence will be presenting new technologies for agriculture in three exhibit halls at the …