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News Overview

Displaying results 11 to 20 of 29.
  1. Save the date: Third ELRC-Workshop in Germany, April 20, 2021

    Save the date: Third ELRC-Workshop in Germany, April 20, 2021

    Germany in the Digital Age: Language Technologies and AI / The third European Language Resource Coordination workshop in Germany 

  2. DFKI and Saarland University join forces for sustainable AI in India

    DFKI and Saarland University join forces for sustainable AI in India

    DFKI organizes NLP crash courses and, together with Saarland University, supports the initiative of the German Society for International …

  3. The 5th ELRC Conference: Europe needs multilingualism

    The 5th ELRC Conference: Europe needs multilingualism

    On 10 March, people from all across Europe (and beyond) got together for the Fifth ELRC Conference. Organized by DFKI’s Data & Resources Group at …

  4. Press response to the German EU Council Presidency Translator

    Press response to the German EU Council Presidency Translator

    Increasing demand for multilingual content & growing popularity of machine translation (MT) in Europe - and beyond!

  5. The EU Council Presidency Translator - Machine Translation for All

    The EU Council Presidency Translator - Machine Translation for All

    Looking back at the end of the German EU Presidency 2020: With the goal to overcome language barriers and make it easier for people to …

  6. 100 million translated words: A new milestone for the German EU Council Presidency Translator

    100 million translated words: A new milestone for the German EU Council Presidency Translator

    Since the beginning of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union in July 2020, the German EU Council Presidency Translator has …

  7. 100 million words translated with EU Council Presidency Translator!

    100 million words translated with EU Council Presidency Translator!

    Interview with Prof. Dr. Josef van Genabith, Head of the Multilinguality and Language Technology research department at DFKI in Saarbrücken, on ...

  8. Sprachdaten bilden Brücken in Krisenkommunikation

    Sprachdaten bilden Brücken in Krisenkommunikation

    „Jeśli chcesz mieć wpływ na innych ludzi, musisz najpierw porozmawiać z nimi w ich języku.“ Haben Sie das verstanden? Nein. Es sei denn, Sie …

  9. German EU Council Presidency Translator now available

    German EU Council Presidency Translator now available

    Languages are a key part of our European identity and culture. Linguistic diversity is supported and celebrated as part of the EU’s motto “United …

  10. Roboter und Sprachtechnologie für klinische Gesundheitserziehung

    Roboter und Sprachtechnologie für klinische Gesundheitserziehung

    Einen Blick auf die Zukunft von Gesundheitsvorsorge und Gesundheitserziehung bieten die am 6. Februar zeitgleich in Amersfoort (Niederlande) und ...