Thousands of athletes are currently competing for medals at the Olympic Games in Paris. And in some cases, questions will be asked about whether ...
Von der Automatisierung wiederkehrender Routineaufgaben über das Zusammenspiel von Künstlicher Intelligenz und menschlichem Körper bis hin zu ...
High-quality, defect-free and perfectly dimensioned metal components. Quantum computing power looks set to optimize production processes in the ...
After three years, SPAICER will celebrate its successful conclusion with an event on June 23, 2023 at Spreespeicher in Berlin. The research …
Durch ein virtuelles Illusionsmuseum schlendern, in die Welt des Quantencomputing eintauchen, mit einer VR-Brille ein Hochhaus erklimmen, …
Synthetic data for environmental protection, AI methods for the resilient and crisis-resistant manufacturing industry, quantum computing, dynamic ...
The three-day Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) includes lectures, workshops, and symposia that encourage interaction and …
This year, three talents from the DFKI are applying for the title AI Newcomer 2023. Hannah Stein, Duy Ho Minh Nguyen and Khurram Azeem Hashmi are ...
From August 29 - 30, 2022, the DFKI research department Smart Service Engineering (SSE) and its project partners Fraunhofer IPT and ModuleWorks ...
Hacking for civil and disaster protection