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News Overview

Displaying results 11 to 20 of 82.
  1. Germany's centre for agritech is located in Osnabrück; € 50 million for AI in European agriculture

    Germany's centre for agritech is located in Osnabrück; € 50 million for AI in European agriculture

    Osnabrück has long been considered a major player in the digitalisation of agriculture and food production. Now the three institutions consisting …

  2. Praxis-Pilotprojekte zur autonomen Dekontamination: Kompetenzzentrum ROBDEKON startet in neue Phase

    Praxis-Pilotprojekte zur autonomen Dekontamination: Kompetenzzentrum ROBDEKON startet in neue Phase

    Roboter sollen möglichst autonom Altlasten sanieren sowie beim Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen und der Bergung von Gefahrstoffen unterstützen – …

  3. ROBDEKON: Practical system solutions at the end of the competence center’s first funding phase

    ROBDEKON: Practical system solutions at the end of the competence center’s first funding phase

    Robots should perform decontamination tasks as independently as possible in environments that are hostile to humans, e.g. in the remediation of ...

  4. Artificial intelligence for a safe and sustainable construction industry

    Artificial intelligence for a safe and sustainable construction industry

    DFKI coordinates new EU project HumanTech

  5. AI for Marine Protection

    AI for Marine Protection

    How DFKI aims to eliminate plastic waste in deep sea and on the water surface

  6. B-Human's robot soccer team takes part in the RoboCup World Cup in Thailand

    B-Human's robot soccer team takes part in the RoboCup World Cup in Thailand

    From July 13 to 16, 2022, the World Championship in Robot Soccer will take place in Bangkok, Thailand. The reigning world champion from Bremen, …

  7. Europe's largest testbed for distributed manufacturing launched by CIIRC and DFKI

    Europe's largest testbed for distributed manufacturing launched by CIIRC and DFKI

    On 28 April 2022, the largest decentralized German-Czech testbed for distributed production in the paradigm of Industry 4.0 was inaugurated at the ...

  8. Robots learn with qubits: Bremen scientists develop innovative approach to quantum-based space exploration

    Robots learn with qubits: Bremen scientists develop innovative approach to quantum-based space exploration

    Quantum computers hold unimagined potential for numerous fields of application – including robotics. But research in this area is still in its ...

  9. AI-supported decision-making systems for agriculture

    AI-supported decision-making systems for agriculture

    German-French project R4Agri launched

  10. On an icy mission: DFKI researchers test extraterrestrial under-ice navigation in northern Swedish national park

    On an icy mission: DFKI researchers test extraterrestrial under-ice navigation in northern Swedish national park

    Is there life on Jupiter's moon Europa? An ocean suspected to be under miles of ice gives science hope. But how could it be reached and explored? ...