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News Overview

Displaying results 41 to 50 of 104.
  1. Resilient Data Management for the Internet of Moving Things: DFKI and TUB Paper was Accepted at BTW 2021

    The paper "Towards Resilient Data Management for the Internet of Moving Things" written by Elena Beatriz Ouro Paz, Eleni Tzirita Zacharatou and …

  2. DFKI, TU Berlin and NUS Paper on Parallelizing Intra-Window Joins was Accepted at SIGMOD 2021

    The paper "Parallelizing Intra-Window Join on Multicores: An Experimental Study" by Shuhao Zhang, Yancan Mao, Jiong He, Philipp Grulich, Steffen ...

  3. Making marine plastic visible – Innovative monitoring technology aims at detecting plastic waste on the sea floor

    Making marine plastic visible – Innovative monitoring technology aims at detecting plastic waste on the sea floor

    Whether it is straws, plastic bottles or packaging – plastic waste does not always end up in the recycling bin, but also in the oceans. The …

  4. DESIGNETZ Saarland – Leuchtturmprojekt der Energiewende zieht positive Bilanz

    DESIGNETZ Saarland – Leuchtturmprojekt der Energiewende zieht positive Bilanz

    - Designetz Saarland – Energiewende ist technisch machbar

    - Stromnetz der Zukunft braucht deutlich mehr Intelligenz

    - Prof. Harald Lesch – Hoffe, …

  5. TreeSatAI - Artificial Intelligence with Earth Observation and Multi-Source Geodata for Infrastructure, Nature and Forest Monitoring

    TreeSatAI - Artificial Intelligence with Earth Observation and Multi-Source Geodata for Infrastructure, Nature and Forest Monitoring

    The goal of the TreeSatAI project is the development of artificial intelligence methods for the monitoring of forests and tree populations at …

  6. TU Berlin and DFKI Database Systems Research Papers were accepted at CIDR 2021

    Researchers at the Database Systems and Information Management (DIMA) group at TU Berlin and the Intelligent Analytics for Massive Data (IAM) group …

  7. TU Berlin and DFKI Research Paper Accepted for Publication in PVLDB Vol. 14

    The Paper “Scotch: Generating FPGA-Accelerators for Sketching at Line Rate” by Martin Kiefer, Ilias Poulakis, Sebastian Breß and Volker Markl will …

  8. Sichere Datennutzung in der Landwirtschaft

    Sichere Datennutzung in der Landwirtschaft

    Forschungsprojekt Smarte Daten Smarte Dienste (SDSD) erfolgreich abgeschlossen

  9. Using AI against plastic – DFKI technologies provide important insights for the fight against waste in South East Asia

    Using AI against plastic – DFKI technologies provide important insights for the fight against waste in South East Asia

    Millions of tons of plastic are floating in the oceans, threatening the ecosystem and mankind on an increasing scale. Especially countries in …

  10. TU Berlin and DFKI Database Systems Researchers Offer Multiple Presentations at VLDB 2020

    TU Berlin and DFKI Database Systems Researchers Offer Multiple Presentations at VLDB 2020

    Researchers at TU Berlin Database Systems and Information Management (DIMA) group and Intelligent Analytics for Massive Data (IAM) group at DFKI ...