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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 10 of 11.
  1. Crafting Futures: Making climate change tangible and initiating urban transformation

    Crafting Futures: Making climate change tangible and initiating urban transformation

    The ‘Crafting Futures’ research project aims to use augmented reality technology (AR) and generative AI to make it possible for everyone to directly ...

  2. Großer Schritt für KI und Umwelt: BMUV zeigt erste Ergebnisse der Green-AI Hub Pilotprojekte

    Großer Schritt für KI und Umwelt: BMUV zeigt erste Ergebnisse der Green-AI Hub Pilotprojekte

    Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke hat heute das diesjährige Green-AI Hub Forum in Berlin eröffnet, auf dem zehn mittelständische Unternehmen ...

  3. Great Success at the International Conference on Computer Vision Conference, ICCV 2023

    Great Success at the International Conference on Computer Vision Conference, ICCV 2023

    The IEEE/CVF International Conference in Computer Vision (ICCV) is the most important international event on computer vision.

  4. Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke startet Green-AI Hub Mittelstand

    Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke startet Green-AI Hub Mittelstand

    Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke hat heute in Berlin den Green-AI Hub Mittelstand eröffnet. Die Initiative des Bundesumweltministeriums zeigt, wie ...

  5. First Industry symposium as a milestone towards CORE IML

    First Industry symposium as a milestone towards CORE IML

    The DFKI research department Interactive Machine Learning, (IML), and the department of Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) at the University of ...

  6. Review of the "Hackathon at Interschutz"

    Review of the "Hackathon at Interschutz"

    Hacking for civil and disaster protection

  7. AI for Marine Protection

    AI for Marine Protection

    How DFKI aims to eliminate plastic waste in deep sea and on the water surface

  8. Künstliche Intelligenz analysiert wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe
  9. HumanE-AI-Net: AI that understands humans 

    HumanE-AI-Net: AI that understands humans 

    A European network, which aims to develop human-centered AI with ethical values, has been launched under the leadership of DFKI. 

  10. Strengthening Research in Artificial Intelligence

    Strengthening Research in Artificial Intelligence

    DFKI-Lower Saxony Labs open in Osnabruck and Oldenburg