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News Overview

Displaying results 31 to 40 of 77.
  1. Robotics in care: DFKI Bremen and Johanniter work on the hospital bed of the future in BMBF-funded project

    Robotics in care: DFKI Bremen and Johanniter work on the hospital bed of the future in BMBF-funded project

    Physical strains are one of the main reasons for sick leaves and early retirement amongst nursing staff. In order to support workers and give …

  2. Nationwide AI project "Knowledge4Retail" starts realisation

    Nationwide AI project "Knowledge4Retail" starts realisation

    Roughly 40 experts from the areas of software development, artificial intelligence, research and trade have started the realisation phase of ...

  3. DFKI takes next step on the search for life on ice moon Europa with new underwater robot

    DFKI takes next step on the search for life on ice moon Europa with new underwater robot

    When it comes searching life in our solar system, the ice moon Europa orbiting Jupiter plays an important role: Below his ice sheet with a …

  4. “Knowledge4Retail” consortium with participation of the DFKI receives funding in AI innovation competition

    “Knowledge4Retail” consortium with participation of the DFKI receives funding in AI innovation competition

    Does the digitalisation offer new paths out of the dead end of stationary retail? Yes, says the “Knowledge4Retail” consortium that received a …

  5. ROBDEKON: Zentrale Anlaufstelle für die Entwicklung von Robotern für Dekontaminationsaufgaben eröffnet

    ROBDEKON: Zentrale Anlaufstelle für die Entwicklung von Robotern für Dekontaminationsaufgaben eröffnet

    Wenn chemisch verseuchtes Gelände oder alte Deponien saniert, giftiger Müll sortiert oder kerntechnische Anlagen zurückgebaut werden, arbeiten ...

  6. Stardust Reloaded: EU research network for sustainable use of near-Earth space

    Stardust Reloaded: EU research network for sustainable use of near-Earth space

    Near-Earth space involves not only risks for the earth and its inhabitants but also great potential. With the participation of the German Research ...

  7. Mission completed – EU partners successfully test new technologies for space robots in Morocco

    Mission completed – EU partners successfully test new technologies for space robots in Morocco

    Just in time for Christmas, a Mars-analogue mission in Morocco, coordinated by the Robotics Innovation Center of the German Research Center for ...

  8. Next stop Morocco: EU partners test innovative space robotics technologies in the Sahara desert

    Next stop Morocco: EU partners test innovative space robotics technologies in the Sahara desert

    Before space technologies are actually deployed in orbit or on other planets, they must be tested on Earth. As part of the European Union's …

  9. Maßgeschneiderte Roboter für jedermann – DFKI setzt auf Künstliche Intelligenz in der Roboterentwicklung

    Maßgeschneiderte Roboter für jedermann – DFKI setzt auf Künstliche Intelligenz in der Roboterentwicklung

    Die Komplexität von Robotern nimmt stetig zu. Immer mehr und immer leistungsfähigere Sensoren und Aktuatoren lassen die Vision von hochgradig …

  10. Mare-IT gestartet: Zukunftsweisende Informationstechnologien für die Wartung maritimer Infrastrukturen

    Mare-IT gestartet: Zukunftsweisende Informationstechnologien für die Wartung maritimer Infrastrukturen

    Die regelmäßige Wartung ist für die Sicherheit maritimer Anlagen essenziell. Zukünftig sollen Roboter diese für den Menschen aufwendige und ...