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News Overview

Displaying results 11 to 18 of 18.
  1. DFKI moves into former coal washing plant at Museum Industriekultur Osnabrück to work on AI demonstrators close to citizens

    DFKI moves into former coal washing plant at Museum Industriekultur Osnabrück to work on AI demonstrators close to citizens

    The research department "Smart Enterprise Engineering" of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Lower Saxony and the …

  2. Saving heating demand through AI: SECAI project receives award from "Edge data economy" technology program

    Saving heating demand through AI: SECAI project receives award from "Edge data economy" technology program

    Making sustainability digital - this is the guiding theme of this year's Days of Digital Technologies (TddT) from August 29th to 30th, 2022, at …

  3. Coding für Mädchen: Online-Lernplattform mit DFKI-Beteiligung gestartet

    Coding für Mädchen: Online-Lernplattform mit DFKI-Beteiligung gestartet

    Im Projekt YouCodeGirls entsteht im Zusammenspiel von Didaktik und Technologie eine gleichnamige Website mit unterschiedlichen Lernformaten, die ...

  4. Gaia-X 4 ROMS project started: efficient parcel delivery in cities with the help of AI

    Gaia-X 4 ROMS project started: efficient parcel delivery in cities with the help of AI

    More people are living in cities and ordering online. In the future, more goods will be moved on the roads, which will increase traffic and ...

  5. Maschinen reparieren aus der Ferne: Forschende realisieren virtuellen Aftermarket im Projekt RePARE

    Maschinen reparieren aus der Ferne: Forschende realisieren virtuellen Aftermarket im Projekt RePARE

    Wenn in einer Fabrik ein Maschinenteil defekt ist, zählt jede Minute. Eine Stunde Ausfall in der Produktion kann für ein Unternehmen schnell Kosten …

  6. From basic research to market readiness – DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen develops innovative AI technologies in GAIA-X

    From basic research to market readiness – DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen develops innovative AI technologies in GAIA-X

    An ecosystem based on the values of Europe for the secure, sovereign and manufacturer-independent exchange of data – that is the goal of the …

  7. Participants wanted for online survey: Design the smart home of the future with us now!

    Participants wanted for online survey: Design the smart home of the future with us now!

    In order to promote the development of innovations in the smart living sector, the ForeSight project, which is funded by the German Federal …

  8. Project CoPDA: DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen teaches dynamic knowledge to robots for a better human-machine interaction

    Project CoPDA: DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen teaches dynamic knowledge to robots for a better human-machine interaction

    People generally know which objects they call theirs and which they do not. For machines, however, changing functions of objects present an …