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News Overview

Displaying results 81 to 90 of 1379.
  1. Grüne Woche 2024 - DFKI presents strawberry picking robot and AI ecosystem

    Grüne Woche 2024 - DFKI presents strawberry picking robot and AI ecosystem

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence will be presenting new technologies for agriculture in three exhibit halls at the …

  2. Kristian Kersting appointed AAAI Fellow

    Kristian Kersting appointed AAAI Fellow

    Prof. Kristian Kersting, head of the Foundations of Systems AI research department (SAINT) at DFKI in Darmstadt, has been named a Fellow by the ...

  3. Erfolgreiches Symposium „KI in der Medizin“ an der Universitätsklinik des Saarlandes

    Erfolgreiches Symposium „KI in der Medizin“ an der Universitätsklinik des Saarlandes

    Vom 17. bis 18. November trafen sich Expertinnen und Experten auf dem Campus der Universitätsklinik Homburg erstmalig zu einem Symposium „KI in …

  4. Philipp Slusallek received Eurographics Gold Medal 2023

    Philipp Slusallek received Eurographics Gold Medal 2023

    The European Computer Graphics Association, Eurographics, honored Prof. Dr. Philipp Slusallek for his outstanding contributions and leadership in …

  5. Kevin Baum is the new head of the CERTAIN Centre for European Research in Trusted Artificial Intelligence

    Kevin Baum is the new head of the CERTAIN Centre for European Research in Trusted Artificial Intelligence

    Launched in September 2023, the Center for Trusted Artificial Intelligence aims to develop innovative technologies that provide guarantees for ...

  6. Telekom-Stiftung veröffentlicht Leitfaden "Schule und KI"

    Telekom-Stiftung veröffentlicht Leitfaden "Schule und KI"

    Praxisnahe Handreichung gibt Orientierungs- und Handlungswissen für Lehrkräfte und Schulleitungen – Überblick über sieben KI-Systeme mit …

  7. Tapping into process expertise in companies with AI – PERKS project launched

    Tapping into process expertise in companies with AI – PERKS project launched

    The European project "Eliciting and Exploiting Procedural Knowledge in Industry 5.0 - PERKS" was launched in October 2023 with a kick-off event in ...

  8. Digitaltalk Niedersachsen: Sustainability for agriculture, water management and production

    Digitaltalk Niedersachsen: Sustainability for agriculture, water management and production

    What contribution can digital innovations make to sustainability in agriculture, production and water management? This will be the topic at the ...

  9. Reshaping – Restyling – Recyling: Erstes Transformationsforum im co:hub66

    Reshaping – Restyling – Recyling: Erstes Transformationsforum im co:hub66

    Am 11. Dezember, 16:00-19:00 Uhr findet im co:hub66 Saarbrücken das erste Transformationsforum: „Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft“ statt.

  10. MISSION KI - Center for AI is established in Kaiserslautern

    MISSION KI - Center for AI is established in Kaiserslautern

    As part of the German government's "MISSION KI" initiative, two AI centers are being established, one of which is in close cooperation with the …