Deep learning is an AI technology that has significantly shaped the last decade, whether it's recognizing medical conditions, creative applications ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is finding increasingly diverse applications in the physical world, especially on embedded, cyber-physical devices with ...
Vom 17. bis 18. November trafen sich Expertinnen und Experten auf dem Campus der Universitätsklinik Homburg erstmalig zu einem Symposium „KI in der ...
The European Computer Graphics Association, Eurographics, honored Prof. Dr. Philipp Slusallek for his outstanding contributions and leadership in the ...
Durch ein virtuelles Illusionsmuseum schlendern, in die Welt des Quantencomputing eintauchen, mit einer VR-Brille ein Hochhaus erklimmen, autonomes ...
On the 10th of May 2022, the fourth joint so-called "Theme Development Workshop" (TDW) focused on the latest trends and challenges of "AI for Future ...