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Press Releases

  1. Digital Transformation of Auditing: DFKI, Audicon and Four Renowned Law Firms Establish Competence Center

    Audicon GmbH, together with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and four well-known auditing firms, has founded a Competence …

  2. Valerie Wolf Gang is "Artist in Residence" at DFKI Saarbrücken

    For four weeks, DFKI opens its laboratories, workshops, and offices to the media artist, film director, and art researcher Valerie Wolf Gang from …

  3. Customized robots for everyone – DFKI presents groundbreaking solution for AI-based system development

    Whether in the factory, in the operating room or on Mars – the areas of application for modern robots are extremely diverse. This places enormous …

  4. CLAIRE awarded the "German AI Prize”

    The CLAIRE initiative (Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe) and with it the DFKI as co-founder of CLAIRE were …

  5. Interactive Mixed Reality Training for Schools - MITHOS Project Launched

    Teachers often feel inadequately prepared for dealing with complex socio-emotional challenges, such as those that can be triggered by heterogeneous …

  6. SPELL invites to the "Hackathon at the Ring" - Just Come!

    1-3 October 2021: The SPELL project partners invite you to the Hackathonamring at the Nürburgring.

  7. [Translate to English:]

    Live-Experiment mit App zur Kanzler-Debatte – Machen Sie mit!

    Die Universität Koblenz-Landau, das Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), das DFKI-Spin-off coneno und die Technische …

  8. Portrait Prof. Hans Schotten

    Technological Sovereignty – Hans Schotten appointed to expert council of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

    Professor Dr. Hans Schotten has been appointed to the Council for Technological Sovereignty of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research …

  9. Federal President Steinmeier visits the RICAIP Research Centre

    As part of his state visit to the Czech Republic, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife visited the RICAIP Centre at the Czech …

  10. Mit Daten Krisensituationen besser bewältigen

    Im vorigen Jahr sprach Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn von der Wahrscheinlichkeit, nach der Pandemie für vieles um Verzeihung bitten zu müssen. …

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