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Press Releases

  1. Out of the kit: DFKI and the University of Bremen develop modular functional units for reconfigurable space systems

    In space, autonomous robots are supposed to fulfil diverse tasks. In order to meet the respective requirements, existing systems are strongly …

  2. First joint Inria-DFKI Summer School on Artificial Intelligence – IDESSAI 2021

    Trustworthy AI and AI for medicine were the two thematic pillars of the first joint summer school of the French national research institute for …

  3. From basic research to market readiness – DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen develops innovative AI technologies in GAIA-X

    An ecosystem based on the values of Europe for the secure, sovereign and manufacturer-independent exchange of data – that is the goal of the European …

  4. Professor Drechsler für herausragende Promotionsbetreuung ausgezeichnet

    Bereits zum zweiten Mal hat die Universität Bremen herausragende Promotionsbetreuungen ausgezeichnet und zwei erste Preise verliehen. Einer davon ging …

  5. Strengthening Women in AI Together – DFKI and Women in AI & Robotics Launch Cooperation with Virtual Event

    Artificial intelligence and robotics hold the potential to positively influence all of our lives in many ways. However, men are predominantly involved …

  6. Artificial intelligence for emergency management - SPELL project researches AI platform for rescue control centers

    In the future, artificial intelligence will help control the flood of information in emergency operation centers and provide important data from a …

  7. visualization of a networked earth

    DFKI coordinates “Open6GHub” project - 68 million euros funding from BMBF

    Reliable and high-performance communication networks drive innovation in digital societies. In order to shape the digital future effectively and in …

  8. Another triumph for B-Human: Bremen's successful team wins virtual RoboCup World Championship

    For the eighth time, B-Human, the team from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), succeeded in …

  9. DFKI beim zweiten virtuellen Tag der offenen Tür der Universität des Saarlandes am 26.06.2021

    Gerne hätte das DFKI in Saarbrücken auf dem Campus der Universität des Saarlandes wieder seine Türen geöffnet, Projekte präsentiert, …

  10. Forscherkarriere zwischen naturgewaltigen Eisbergen und künstlicher Intelligenz

    Forschungsbereichsleiter im Deutschen Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), Uni-Professor, Meeresforscher, Fantasy-Fan. Wer sich ein …

Corporate Communication

DFKI Kaiserslautern

DFKI Saarbrücken

DFKI Bremen

DFKI Berlin

DFKI Niedersachsen