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Press Releases

  1. DFKI beim Digitaltag 2021

    Unter dem Motto: „Computer mit Augen, Ohren und Verstand?! – Künstliche Intelligenz für den Menschen“ beteiligt sich das DFKI am bundesweiten …

  2. Quanten-KI für die Autoindustrie

    DFKI, Forschungszentrum Jülich, BMW Group, Mercedes-Benz AG, Volkswagen und Bosch wollen gemeinsam KI-Anwendungen für Quantencomputer testen. …

  3. EU space project completed in Wulsbüttel: DFKI rover performs autonomous long-range mission in northern german sand pit

    When NASA's rover “Perseverance” and China's rover “Zhurong” travel across the surface of Mars these days, they take crucial decisions without human …

  4. Software-supported risk assessment for safe human-machine interaction – BaSys satellite project BaSySafe launched

    In industrial manufacturing, risks and hazards result from the operation of machines. Manufacturers and operators of equipment are required by law to …

  5. SmartFactory-KL is testbed for Gaia-X

    The European data platform Gaia-X is shaping up in a practical way. Factory pioneers in Kaiserslautern have begun the setup of networked production at …

  6. [Translate to English:]
  7. DFKI has a new CFO

    The non-profit German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) has a new Chief Financial Officer. Helmut Ditzer has taken over the position …

  8. [Translate to English:]

    Teamwork in space: Robots pave the way for crewed lunar missions and sustainable space research

    To survive on the moon, humans need a lot of resources. Transporting them to the earth's satellite by spaceship would be extremely expensive. There is …

  9. BMBF joint project »Ophthalmo-AI« started - Intelligent, Cooperative Support for Diagnosis and Therapy in Ophthalmology

    Today’s imaging technologies in ophthalmology are so advanced that retinal and vascular structures in the eye can be resolved with unprecedented …

  10. person sitting in front of a computer, with an overlay with different illustrations showing cybercrime

    AI vs. cybercrime: research cooperation with BKA and LKA launched

    The President of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), Holger Münch, the President of the Rhineland-Palatinate State Criminal Police Office (LKA), …

Corporate Communication

DFKI Kaiserslautern

DFKI Saarbrücken

DFKI Bremen

DFKI Berlin

DFKI Niedersachsen