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Press Releases

  1. Institute for Information Systems at DFKI wins 1st place in the Science Dialogue

    Lea Mayer, Nijat Mehdiyev, Oliver Gutermuth, and Prof. Dr. Peter Fettke won the first place with their contribution "Responsible AI – The use of …

  2. [Translate to English:]

    German EU Council Presidency Translator now available

    Languages are a key part of our European identity and culture. Linguistic diversity is supported and celebrated as part of the EU’s motto “United in …

  3. Artificial Intelligence and Time Sensitive Networking optimize Industry 4.0

    In the project “KITOS - Artificial Intelligence for TSN for Optimization and Fault Detection” scientists and engineers are working together on …

  4. Project EurEx-LUNa: DFKI in Bremen prepares underwater robot for field trials in space research

    Could Jupiter’s moon Europa offer the right conditions for extraterrestrial life? How could the ocean, which is suspected under the sheet of several …

  5. Computer scientist Noshaba Cheema honored with Women’s STEM Award 2020 of Deutsche Telekom

    The scientist from DFKI research department Agents and Simulated Reality receives the award for her master's thesis in the "Artificial Intelligence" …

  6. Teaser Digitaltag 2020

    Digitaltag 2020

    DFKI beteiligt sich mit verschiedenen Online-Formaten am ersten Digitaltag. Termin: 19. Juni 2020

  7. Europäische Weltraumforscher unternehmen nächsten Schritt auf dem Weg zu Roboterkonstruktionen im Orbit

    Am 04. Juni 2020 trifft sich das EU Horizon 2020-Projekt Pulsar („Prototype of an Ultra Large Structure Assembly Robot“) zusammen mit den Vertretern …

  8. „Hallo, Behörde?“ – Kurzstudie sieht hohes Potenzial für sprachgesteuerte E-Government Dienste

    Sprachsteuerung bietet großes Potenzial, um einen barrierefreien und niedrigschwelligen Zugang zu E-Government Diensten zu schaffen – von der …

  9. New beacon project to make the future more predictable for companies

    No raw materials due to the corona pandemic, the collapse of supply chains due to low water in rivers, or a production stoppage caused by a wearing …

  10. Tailored implants: Applied mechanics and AI combine to deliver patient-specific fracture therapy

    When someone breaks a bone in their lower leg, the fracture can often be complex, making the healing process lengthy and involved. In these cases, it …

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