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Press Releases

  1. EU-funded project uses artificial intelligence to optimize the environmental perception of underwater robots

    Whether in murky waters, cramped ship tanks or caves with little light – poor visibility conditions have a huge impact on the environmental perception of…

  2. Digitalisierung in der Bekleidungsindustrie – Forschungsprojekt AdjUST gestartet

    Unternehmen der Textilbranche stehen im Zuge der Digitalisierung und Globalisierung vor der Herausforderung, ihre Prozesse zu professionalisieren. Da…

  3. Cyber-Physical Systems participates in EU project on personalized care for chronic lung conditions

    How can chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) and comorbidities be better understood? How can people with complex chronic conditions receive the right…

  4. New joint project TRIPLE-MoDo – Bre­men con­sor­tium de­vel­ops in­nov­at­ive dock­ing sys­tem for un­der­wa­ter ro­bots

    How can in­ac­cess­ible places on the Earth, such as the deep sea, as well as those on other plan­ets be in­vest­ig­ated? Ex­treme goals present ex­treme…

  5. Prestigious Sci-Tech Oscar goes to three former computer science PhD students from Saarbrücken

    The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences not only awards actors and filmmakers with the distinction known as the "Oscar." Oscars are also awarded for…

  6. Drei Millionen Euro für die neue DFKI-Außenstelle Lübeck

    KI in Medizin und Medizintechnik – Schleswig-Holstein unterstützt Einrichtung der neuen DFKI Außenstelle in Lübeck bis Ende 2023 mit 3 Mio. Euro.

  7. AI for crisis teams - DFKI develops pandemic cockpit for municipalities

    Trier/Kaiserslautern – How do measures affect pandemic response at the municipal level? - In the AScore project, an expert system is being developed that…

  8. AI system detects SARS-CoV-2 on CT scans: DFKI presents method for image-based diagnosis of Corona

    Apart from the commonly used PCR tests for the diagnosis of infections with SARS-CoV-2, the Corona virus can also be detected on computed tomography scans. With…

  9. Debris and defunct launcher stages in the Geostationary ring.

    AI for Spaceflight – ESA and DFKI Launch Joint Transfer Lab

    Kaiserslautern/Darmstadt (Germany), 2021-01-27 | Whether the idiosyncratic HAL 9000 in Odyssey in Space, the discreetly acting “computer” of the Enterprise or…

  10. Altmaier: „Mit Agri-Gaia digitalisieren wir die Agrarwirtschaft und bringen Künstliche Intelligenz in die konkrete Anwendung“

    Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie, des Agrotech Valley Forums und des DFKI – Bundesminister Peter Altmaier hat heute…

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