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AI@Education - Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence

| Learning & Education | Educational Technology Lab | Berlin

Many modern educational technologies already contain aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) - in applications for school organisation as well as for teaching and testing and for learning and practising. Examples are learning platforms or learning apps that adapt the task programme to the learner's competence profile.


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But where do AI-supported, learning-enhancing applications currently stand in their development? What already exists? What are the potentials, challenges and risks in this field? How far along are other countries in their development? The Deutsche Telekom Foundation and its partners are investigating these questions. For example, the mmb Institute, in cooperation with the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the Leibniz Institute for Human Development and Educational Information (DIPF), has prepared a market and trend analysis.

For this purpose, the study's authors created an initial overview of already available German- and English-language AI-supported offerings in an international comparison. With a view to potentials, challenges and risks, they also evaluated scientific studies and interviewed experts.

Based on the comprehensive findings, the study concludes with four recommendations.



Thomas Schmitt

Projektleiter, Deutsche Telekom Stiftung

Dr. Berit Blanc

Researcher, DFKI Berlin

Prof. Dr. Niels Pinkwart

Forschungsbereichsleiter Educational Technology Lab, DFKI Berlin

Press contact:

Andreas Schepers, M.A.

Unternehmenskommunikation, DFKI Berlin