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Overview of the German-Japanese Cooperation at DFKI

For more than 30 years, a close cooperation has existed between the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and Japan. The long-standing merit for the development of teaching and research, the promotion of a partnership between Osaka Metropolitan University, TU Kaiserslautern and DFKI, serve as the basis for the stable cooperation. In particular, the initiation of numerous collaborations at the institute and industry levels and the promotion of projects are an ongoing concern.

This is what connects us...

Two Countries - One AI Philosophy

In 2021, Japan and Germany were the second and third most economically powerful nations in the world. In terms of both trade and research-intensive high technology, both countries are international leaders.

The Japanese-German relationship and the exchange, based on a common AI philosophy, have long been a matter to the DFKI. Japan is a high-tech country that conducts research on artificial intelligence under the same premise. The synergetic partnership of humans and machines is the focus of research. Machines are to assume those tasks that can be performed better, faster or even more cost-effectively. They serve to relieve and assist - FOR humans. 

University Exchange between Japan and TU Kaiserslautern

Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU) is one of three large universities in the metropolitan area of Osaka in the south of the Japanese capital island of Honshu. The main topics of joint research are document and image processing, pen-computer interaction, and knowledge management. Years of exchange have resulted in the internationalization of the computer science program at TU Kaiserslautern (TUK). Students at TUK and OMU can spend a semester abroad at the other university.

Austausch zwischen dem DFKI und dem National Institute for Informatics

Das National Institute for Informatics (NII) ist das einzige interuniversitäre Forschungsinstitut in Japan, das sich der Informatik widmet. Das Themenspektrum reicht von den Grundlagen der Informatik über die Architektur von Informationssystemen über Medieninformatik bis zu Informationswissenschaften. Seit 2006 besteht eine Vereinbarung zwischen dem NII und dem DFKI über den Austausch von Masterstudierenden, Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden, Post-Docs und Researchern im Rahmen gemeinsamer Forschungsprojekte.

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  3. [Translate to English:]

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Prof. Dr. Prof. H.C. Andreas Dengel

Executive Director of DFKI in Kaiserslautern &
Head of the research department Smart Data & Knowledge Services

Phone: +49 631 20575 1000
Fax: +49 631 20575 1020