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Project News

  1. [Translate to English:] Illustration KI-Campus

    KI-Campus: digital learning platform launched

    The online learning platform for artificial intelligence AI Campus is now publicly available as a beta version with the first digital courses. Due to …

  2. Robots learn to understand humans – EXPECT research project launched

    Brain-machine interfaces measure the signals of the brain and use them to derive control commands for computers, machines or robots. The German …

  3. Presentation on “ML-based Cross-Platform Query Optimization” at ICDE 2020

    Dr. Zoi Kaoudi, a Sr. Researcher at TU Berlin’s DIMA Group and DFKI’s IAM Group gave a talk on “ML-based Cross-Platform Query Optimization” at the …

  4. Sprachdaten bilden Brücken in Krisenkommunikation

    „Jeśli chcesz mieć wpływ na innych ludzi, musisz najpierw porozmawiać z nimi w ich języku.“ Haben Sie das verstanden? Nein. Es sei denn, Sie sprechen …

  5. Leuchtturm-Projekt CLEVER: Die digitale Zukunft des Lernens.

    Saarbrücker Konsortium erhält Forschungsprojekt des Bundes zur Entwicklung einer innovativen Lern-Software.

    Was wie ein Traum klingt, soll jetzt …

  6. Project AUTOASSERT: DFKI scientists develop software tool for the support of German electronics companies

    Microelectronics is known as a key technology for many future developments, from autonomous cars to intelligent fridges. Small and medium-sized …

  7. Artificial Intelligence and Time Sensitive Networking optimize Industry 4.0

    In the project “KITOS - Artificial Intelligence for TSN for Optimization and Fault Detection” scientists and engineers are working together on …

  8. Project EurEx-LUNa: DFKI in Bremen prepares underwater robot for field trials in space research

    Could Jupiter’s moon Europa offer the right conditions for extraterrestrial life? How could the ocean, which is suspected under the sheet of several …

  9. EIT Health

    EIT Health submits report to EC on strategy for AI and data

    EIT Health submitted a contribution to the European Commission (EC) to inform ongoing discussions related to their Data Strategy and AI White Paper.

  10. Europäische Weltraumforscher unternehmen nächsten Schritt auf dem Weg zu Roboterkonstruktionen im Orbit

    Am 04. Juni 2020 trifft sich das EU Horizon 2020-Projekt Pulsar („Prototype of an Ultra Large Structure Assembly Robot“) zusammen mit den Vertretern …