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Project | BloGPV

Blockchainbasierter verteilter Großspeicher für PV-Anlagenbetreiber

Blockchainbasierter verteilter Großspeicher für PV-Anlagenbetreiber

Application fields

The joint project “BloGPV” focuses on the development of a secure blockchain-based storage network for PV system operators. With the help of existing platform technologies, small house storage systems are combined to form a virtual large-scale storage facility that optimises the power flows between the participants and stabilises the network. The operation of the PV systems should thus also become economical without EEG feed-in compensation. Electricity prices will then no longer have to rise as a result of the further expansion of photovoltaics; the grids will be relieved. The project will thus make a significant contribution to the energy transition. From 2018, year after year, further operators of photovoltaic systems will face the problem that they will no longer be entitled to a guaranteed feed-in compensation. The cross-project objective of the joint project is the development, testing and documentation of sustainable, software- and data-based business models that enable the construction and operation of a distributed large-scale storage facility for decentralised PV systems in the supply area of Stadtwerke Hannover.


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Funding Authorities

BMWi - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy


Smart Service Welt II

BMWi - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy