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Dr.-Ing. Jörg Baus

Organizational unit Cognitive Assistants
Contact +49 681 85775 5480 (Saarbrücken)

Address (Saarbrücken) Gebäude D3 1Stuhlsatzenhausweg 366123 Saarbrücken


All publications


  • 5G-SLS


    The district town of Saarlouis and its municipal utilities are an ideal model region for developing a 5G concept for Saarlouis to test initial use cases. A key innovation from the perspective of grid…

  • GridAnalysis

    AI-based system analysis of power distribution networks in normal and short-circuit operation - AI-based System Analysis and Assistance System

    The goals of the GridAnalysis research project are the development of new models and methods for quasi-stationary and time-series-based simulation of power distribution grids in combination with…

  • BloGPV

    Blockchainbasierter verteilter Großspeicher für PV-Anlagenbetreiber

    The joint project “BloGPV” focuses on the development of a secure blockchain-based storage network for PV system operators. With the help of existing platform technologies, small house storage systems…

  • charge4C

    Intelligent sharing, parking, charging – Reservation platform for electric mobility

    The goal of charge4C is the creation of an innovative sharing platform, which enables a dynamic pricing of parking and charging and can organize communities and corresponding services around charging…

  • PolyEnergyNet

    Resiliente Polynetze zur sicheren Energieversorgung

    PolyEnergyNet zielt auf die Erforschung, exemplarische Realisierung und Pilotierung von resilienten Ortsnetzen unter Einbindung multipler Energieformen. Diese Netze zeichnen sich durch einen robusten…

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