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Project | charge4C

Intelligent sharing, parking, charging – Reservation platform for electric mobility

Intelligent sharing, parking, charging – Reservation platform for electric mobility

Application fields

The goal of charge4C is the creation of an innovative sharing platform, which enables a dynamic pricing of parking and charging and can organize communities and corresponding services around charging points in the private and public sector. As a result, citizens are increasingly involved in the development of the charging infrastructure, network utilization is optimized and peak loads are avoided. The services offered in the area of e-mobility, the electricity price and the price for parking can vary at charging points, depending on the current electricity supply and location. The owners of the areas on which charging stations are erected participate in the revenues. Each column is equipped with sensors so that the digital control platform not only determines the service price but also records its specific charging profile. In this way, further suitable loading locations in the project regions around Saarlouis and Cologne can be identified as required.


Funding Authorities

BMWi - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy


IKT für die Elektomobilität

BMWi - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy