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Project | DAEDALUS





Due to their poor power efficiency, the limited operating range or their size, existing trackingsystems do not offer a satisfying solution for long term tracking missions.

The goal of the DAEDALUS project is to develop a miniaturized trackingsystem for self-localization of objects and persons. The transmission of the current position shall be accomplished by communication channels such as GSM.

Apart from the position, further sensory data like temperature shall be transmitted. Of particular importance is the energy efficient design of all components.

Possible tracking targets are

  • Expensive goods like measurement devices
  • Sensitive goods like medical products or pharmaceutic products
  • Humans
  • Animals

By means of intelligent sensor data preprocessing, energy harvesting and sensor networks shall rise the efficiency until the system can operate independently.


Fraunhofer IIS


Funding Authorities

BMWi - Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology

BMWi - Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology