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Dipl.-Ing. Miguel Bande Firvida, M.Sc.

Organizational unit Robotics Innovation Center
Contact +49 421 17845 5064 (Bremen)

Address (Bremen) Robert-Hooke-Straße 1D-28359 Bremen


All publications



    DFKI subproject: acoustic and visual perception of a miniaturized autonomous underwater vehicle for exploration of subglacial lakes

    The aim of the TRIPLE project line is to design and build a system for scientific exploration of subglacial lakes while validating the associated functions in close cooperation with marine and space…

  • TRIPLE-nanoAUV 1

    Localisation and perception of a miniaturized autonomous underwater vehicle for the exploration of subglacial lakes

    The aim of the TRIPLE project line is to design and build a system for scientific exploration of subglacial lakes while validating the associated functions in close cooperation with marine and space…

    TRIPLE-nanoAUV 1