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Project | LAMASS@DiLea


Learning Analytics, Monitoring und Ambition for Study Success in Distance Learning

Research Topics

  • Other

Application fields

The aim of the project is to research the factors for academic success and dropout for digital study formats and their interactions on the subjective, curricular and institutional level. With the interdisciplinary consortium, consisting of researchers from educational science, computer science and economics, the LAMASS @ DiLea project is creating a research and knowledge base for the first time, analyzing the factors of drop-out in digital study formats in a differentiated manner and reviewing sustainable recommendations for action.

All partners work together on the study on academic success and drop-out in digital study formats as well as on the comparative study. In addition, each project partner also pursues its own research module in accordance with its research interests:

With its research data management, the DFKI ensures that the entire research data life cycle remains transparent and that research data conforms to the FAIR principles. In their investigation module, development perspectives for the use and design of AI processes as well as user-adaptive measures to increase academic success are researched.

Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology