Math-Bridge is the first pan-European e-Learning platform for online bridging courses in mathematics. It has been developed as a joint effort by nine universities and research institutions from seven countries. The platform allows teachers and students to interact with thousands of mathematical learning objects available in seven languages. Users of Math-Bridge can select one of many pre-defined courses, build their own courses or use the adaptive course generation tool. The Math-Bridge e-Learning platform supports rich educational experience by providing many types of learning objects: from theorems, proofs and definitions to instructional examples and interactive exercises.
As part of this project funded by the European Commission, DFKI’s EdTec Lab developed an intelligent tutorial learning system using the methods and technologies of artificial intelligence, in particular knowledge-based expert systems. This enabled individual support in the learning process, firstly via adaptiveness effects in learning content and didactic aspects, and secondly through recommendations for learning pathways and methods. The focus was on learners’ learning needs, learning with dynamic exercises, tracking learning progress, and learning in multiple languages.
Tampere University of Technology, Open Universiteit Nederlands, Universität Wien, Zinev Art Technologies Ltd, eurotype OHG - media asset management, Universität des Saarlandes, Eötvös Loránd University, Universität Kassel, Université Montpellier II