The goal of the CONNECT_ED joint project is to improve emergency medical, organizational and administrative processes in the preclinical and clinical phases of emergency care by implementing an…
ENSURE aims at the possibilities of ensuring a high process and outcome quality of emergency care by using an expert system to support emergency physicians in diagnosis and initial therapy. The expert…
VoluProf implements an application that integrates the most realistic and interactive image possible, as well as the teacher's language, into an MR environment (e.g. in the user's living room). The…
Spätestens ab dem 01.01.2021 müssen die Krankenkassen ihren Versicherten eine elektronische Patientenakte (ePA) zur freiwilligen Nutzung anbieten. Damit ältere Menschen informationell selbstbestimmt…
Germany has seen a rapid rise in the number of cases in local hospitals. The increase in the number of outpatient emergency treatments that could also have been provided by a primary care physician…