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Project | OPTINOFA

Optimization of emergency medicine using artificial intelligence

Optimization of emergency medicine using artificial intelligence

Research Topics

Application fields

Germany has seen a rapid rise in the number of cases in local hospitals. The increase in the number of outpatient emergency treatments that could also have been provided by a primary care physician has been disproportionate. The consequences are overcrowding in emergency rooms, an increase in the risks of care using limited resources and increasing costs of emergency treatment. The OPTINOFA project therefore aims to introduce strict and differentiated direction of emergency patients into outpatient and inpatient treatment in the emergency room through structured initial assessment with regard to the urgency of treatment and the required level of emergency care.

Artificial intelligence based assistance services will be provided for preclinical and clinical emergency physicians and for practicing doctors on call and will supply structured, web-based initial assessments in real time. The EdTec Lab is responsible for the design, development and testing of the artificial intelligence methods and applications that will be used. This will take place in close cooperation with the University Medical Facility in Göttingen and with Heilbronn University. The artificial intelligence based assistance services will be trialed in clinics in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Thuringia and Saxony.


  1. Strukturierte Ersteinschätzung in der Notaufnahme mittels des intelligenten Assistenzdienstes OPTINOFA

    Sabine Blaschke; Harald Dormann; Rajan Somasundaram; Christoph Dodt; Ingo Graeff; Hans-Jörg Busch; Bernadett Erdmann; Marc Wieckenberg; Christoph Haedicke; Katrin Esslinger; Elisabeth Nyoungui; Tim Friede; Felix Walcher; Julia Talamo; Julia K. Wolff; OPTINOFA Study Group; Wilhelm Behringer; Ulrich Heida; Thomas Ruhnke; Christian Günster; Patrik Dröge; Michael Schmucker; Martin Haag; Michael Dietrich; Wiebke Schirrmeister; Felix Greiner; Paul Ludolph; Hans-Dieter Nolting; Kerstin Pischek-Koch; Stefanie Wache; Irina Chaplinskaya-Sobol; Dagmar Krefting; Kai Antweiler; Eva Hummers; Marina Karg; Jennifer Lenz; Kathrein Munski; Andreas Brockmann; Wiebke Boehne; Heike Teupe

    In: Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin, Vol. 119, No. 9, Pages 751-762, SPRINGER NATURE, 12/2024.

Funding Authorities

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen