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Project | SmartSenior_HU

Smart Senior

Smart Senior

Language barriers pose the core problem for communication through language. There are almost half a million people living in Berlin whose native language is not German, and older foreign residents often do not have enough command of the language to express themselves accurately in all situations. Language barriers also create problems when using the internet. Internet users who lack sufficient competence often produce inferior search terms without even noticing it. The challenge is to offer basic technologies designed to overcome various kinds of language barriers. Users need to be given the opportunity to receive and give meaningful information concerning relevant health issues. We are working on two different classes of applications with the following characteristics: - Synchronous Communication via Handheld Devices: During an emergency, there are situations where communication has to be conducted in the language in which users can best describe their problem. - Application: In addition to having access to systems that can monitor vital signs while driving and regardless of location, users will be able to actively communicate with a doctor where ever they are. - Internet Communication: Especially older people seek more safety in their everyday lives, particularly in connection with health conditions. To achieve this, it is crucial to obtain comprehensive information. Typical searches for information on the Internet are often fruitless excursions, and if the search request is not accurately formulated, important information can be “overlooked”. - Application: Informal wording is automatically transformed into more promising keywords thus improving search results.


AIS Automations- und Informationssysteme GmbH,

Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG,

BMW Group,

Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin,

Clinpath GmbH,

Deutsche Stiftung für chronisch Kranke,

Deutsche Telekom AG, EICT GmbH, Fraunhofer Institut getemed AG, GEWOBA Potsdam GmbH, GHC Global Healthcare GmbH, Humotion GmbH, jambit GmbH, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Klinikum Südstadt Rostock, Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, nobisCum Risk Solutions GmbH, Otto Bock Healthcare GmbH, Prisma GmbH, PRO POTSDAM GmbH, Qiro GmbH, Radon Labs GmbH, Schmerzzentrum Berlin, Siemens AG, Technische Universität Berlin, Tembit Software GmbH, Vivantes



BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research