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Yochina: Mobile Multimedia and Multimodal Crosslingual Dialog System

Feiyu Xu; Sven Schmeier; Renlong Ai; Hans Uszkoreit
In: Joseph Mariani (Hrsg.). Proceedings of International Workshop On Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology 2012. International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (IWSDS-2012), November 28-30, Paris, France, Springer, 2012.


Yochina is a mobile application for crosslingual and crosscultural understanding. The core of the demonstrated app supports dialogues between English and Chinese or German and Chinese. The dialogue facility is connected with interactive language guides, culture guides and country guides. The app is based on a generic framework enabling such novel combinations of interactive assistance and reference for any language pair, travel region and culture. The framework integrates template-based translation, speech-synthesis, finite-state models of crosslingual dialogues and multimedia sentence generation. Furthermore, it allows the interlinking between crosslingual communication and tourism-relevant content. A semantic search provides easy access to words, phrases, translations and information.
