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  1. Carve-DL - KI in der digitalen Forensik

    Transferlab für KI für innere Sicherheit: DeepLearning für Carvingverfahren Teilvorhaben: Deep Learning Verfahren für das Carving und die …

  2. QuBer-KI - Quantum Deep Reinforcement Learning for simple robotic behaviours

    Quantum machine learning, in particular quantum deep reinforcement learning (QDRL), has gained tremendous attention in the scientific community in …

  3. SAMLER-KI - Simi-autonomous micro rover for lunar exploration using artificial intelligence

    The project has the goal to open the potential for future micro rover missions by distinct further development and TRL increase of critical …

  4. CALAHARI - CALamity Adaptes HARvesting Innovation

    CALAHARI is a vision for a robot-assisted, semi-autonomous timber harvesting process. The synthesis of the requirements analysis for successful …

  5. 6G-Health - Holistische Entwicklung leistungsfähiger 6G-Vernetzung für verteilte medizintechnische Systeme

    Research and development in the field of 6G, one of the key technologies for applications and infrastructure in the healthcare sector in the coming …

  6. 6G-NeXt - 6G Native Extensions for XR (extended reality) Technologies

    Future services and applications, especially in the area of multimedia, will generate an unprecedented amount of data for industry, media and private …

  7. 6G-Terafactory - Open-RAN basiertes Campusnetz für industrielle Echtzeitanwendungen

    The 6G-Terafactory project explores innovative 6G campus network technologies in practical field deployment. Building on an open RAN approach and …

  8. SmartNTX - Interaktive KI-basierte Entscheidungskomptentenz für die Transplantationsmedizin

    The chances of success of a transplant have steadily improved thanks to medical progress; this also applies to the kidney, the most frequently …

  9. AI-Observer - Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation Twinning

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a major impact on many sectors and its influence is predicted to expand rapidly in the coming years. One area with …

  10. SustainML_EI - Application Aware, Life-Cycle Oriented Model-Hardware Co-Design Framework for Sustainable, Energy Efficient ML Systems

    This project is based on the insight that in order to significantly reduce the CO2 footprint of ML applications power-aware applications must be as …

  11. KI-Kompass Inklusiv - Competence Centre on AI and Inclusion in the World of Work

    The project is the follow-up project to KI.ASSIST (in which DFKI is already working successfully with 3 practice partners). Building on the results of …

  12. SustainML_SDS - Application Aware, Life-Cycle Oriented Model-Hardware Co-Design Framework for Sustainable, Energy Efficient ML Systems

    The framework will be made available on the AI4EU platform and disseminated through close collaboration with initiatives such as the ICT 48 networks. …

  13. REXASI-PRO - REliable & eXplAinable Swarm Intelligence for People with Reduced mObility

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is being applied widely in many domains and there is a need to realize public trust in these systems. Calls are made to …

  14. BaSys4Transfer - Verbundprojekt BaSys4Transfer: BaSys - Transformation von Unternehmensprozessen, Fertigung und IT-Systeme zur Industrie 4.0

    Um die langfristige Verfügbarkeit der Eclipse BaSyx Middleware zu gewährleisten und die Investitionen in die Open-Source Middleware zu sichern sollen …

  15. EASY - Energy-efficient analytics and control processes in the dynamic edge-cloud continuum for industrial manufacturing

    The EASY project aims at the energy-efficient analysis and execution of manufacturing and control processes in the context of dynamic industrial …

  16. MARIOW - Maritime AI-Guided & Remote Operated Welding

    Many tasks underwater that previously required divers to operate under dangerous conditions can now be performed by remote-controlled underwater …

  17. QuDa-KI - Qubit-based data representations for classical machine learning and simulations

    The QuDa-KI project pursues two scientific goals. The qubit-based representation of (robot-related) data streams, in particular sensors and actuators, …