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Displaying results 11 to 20 of 22.
  1. TL Cybermapping – TransferLab Cybermapping

    TL Cybermapping – TransferLab Cybermapping

    Cooperation between DFKI and Deutsche Bundesbank in a transfer lab on various topics in the financial sector, e.g. the detection of errors and …

  2. XAINES – Explaining AI with Narratives

    XAINES – Explaining AI with Narratives

    In the XAINES project, the aim is not only to ensure explainability, but also to provide explanations (narratives). The central question is whether AI …

  3. SmartVigilance – Regulatorische Compliance durch KI-basierte Umfeldüberwachung in der Medizintechnik

    SmartVigilance – Regulatorische Compliance durch KI-basierte Umfeldüberwachung in der Medizintechnik

    Hersteller von Medizinprodukten unterliegen strengen Regulierungen hinsichtlich der Sicherheit ihrer Produkte. Regulierungen betreffen sowohl die …

  4. EUC PT – EU Council Presidency Translator

    EUC PT – EU Council Presidency Translator

    Language is an essential part of our lives – we use it to share information, to describe our feelings, to discuss with others or to pass on knowledge …

  5. SoNAR_IDH – Interfaces to Data for Historical Social Network Analysis and Research

    SoNAR_IDH – Interfaces to Data for Historical Social Network Analysis and Research

    The analysis of relationships between agents is key to understanding and explaining social phenomena. A lack of knowledge about the availability of …

  6. PLASS – Platform for Analytical Supply Chain Management Services

    PLASS – Platform for Analytical Supply Chain Management Services

    The goal of the PLASS project is the development of a prototypical B2B platform for AI-based decision support for supply chain management. The focus …

  7. SciBot – Data Science Chatbot: A text-based interface, that learns from experts to support experts

    SciBot – Data Science Chatbot: A text-based interface, that learns from experts to support experts

    The goal of this project is the development of efficient methods for analyzing and for learning to analyse the user behavior during interactions with …

  8. ELG – European Language Grid

    ELG – European Language Grid

    With 24 official EU and many more additional languages, multilingualism in Europe and an inclusive Digital Single Market can only be enabled through …

  9. EXTRACT (SC_Raso) – EXTRACT - Automatisierte Knowledge Extraction für Augmented-Reality-Anwendungen im Medienbereich

    EXTRACT (SC_Raso) – EXTRACT - Automatisierte Knowledge Extraction für Augmented-Reality-Anwendungen im Medienbereich

    Augmented Reality (AR) ermöglicht die Bereicherung traditioneller Printmedien mit virtuellen Inhalten. Weblinks, Videos und weitere virtuelle Inhalte …

  10. DeFuseNN – Deep Fusion für Neuronale Netze

    DeFuseNN – Deep Fusion für Neuronale Netze

    Motivation Focused research and development in the field of Deep Learning, especially in recent years, has resulted in a variety of different network …