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Displaying results 1 to 5 of 5.
  1. EVIDENT – Erforschung vertrauenswürdiger KI-Ansätze zur Verlängerung der Lebensdauer von Elektrofahrzeug-Akkus im Kontext der Routenoptimierung

    EVIDENT – Erforschung vertrauenswürdiger KI-Ansätze zur Verlängerung der Lebensdauer von Elektrofahrzeug-Akkus im Kontext der Routenoptimierung

    Das Projekt untersucht den Einsatz fortschrittlicher KI zur Verbesserung der Disposition und Routenoptimierung, indem es die Grenzen konventioneller …

  2. GreenTwin – Grüner Digitaler Zwilling mit Industrieller Intelligenz für CO2-sparende kooperative Mobilität & Logistik im ländlichen Raum

    GreenTwin – Grüner Digitaler Zwilling mit Industrieller Intelligenz für CO2-sparende kooperative Mobilität & Logistik im ländlichen Raum

    The project GreenTwin (Green digital twin with artificial intelligence for CO2-saving cooperative mobility & logistics in rural areas) is dedicated to …

  3. MOMENTUM – Robust Learning with Hybrid AI for Trustworthy Interaction of Humans and Machines in Complex Environments

    MOMENTUM – Robust Learning with Hybrid AI for Trustworthy Interaction of Humans and Machines in Complex Environments

    MOMENTUM is a research project dedicated to TRUSTED-AI, which aims to advance the development and application of artificial intelligence by …

  4. KAI – AI-supported assistant for interior development

    KAI – AI-supported assistant for interior development

    Within the framework of the research project "AI-supported assistant for interior development" (KAI), a development tool is to be created that uses AI …

  5. STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR is a joint effort of AI and digital manufacturing experts towards enabling the deployment of standard-based secure, safe and reliable …