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Displaying results 11 to 20 of 58.
  1. KI-Kompass Inklusiv – Competence Centre on AI and Inclusion in the World of Work

    KI-Kompass Inklusiv – Competence Centre on AI and Inclusion in the World of Work

    The project is the follow-up project to KI.ASSIST (in which DFKI is already working successfully with 3 practice partners). Building on the results of …

  2. EASY – Energy-efficient analytics and control processes in the dynamic edge-cloud continuum for industrial manufacturing

    EASY – Energy-efficient analytics and control processes in the dynamic edge-cloud continuum for industrial manufacturing

    The EASY project aims at the energy-efficient analysis and execution of manufacturing and control processes in the context of dynamic industrial …

  3. Data4Transparency – Data Science and NLP for transparency

    Data4Transparency – Data Science and NLP for transparency

    According to the World Bank and the UN, some US$1tn is paid in bribes every year. Corrupt financial transactions divert funds from legitimate public …

  4. DaTreFo – Datentreuhänder mit verschlüsselten Datenschätzen für die Forschung

    DaTreFo – Datentreuhänder mit verschlüsselten Datenschätzen für die Forschung

    Um KI-Technologien für die medizinische Forschung zu entwickeln, werden immense Datenmengen aus aktuellen und bereits abgeschlossenen Krankheitsfällen …

  5. Text2Tech – Deep Learning-based Text Mining for Technology Monitoring in the Automotive Domain

    Text2Tech – Deep Learning-based Text Mining for Technology Monitoring in the Automotive Domain

    The observation and analysis of strategic developments in the area surrounding the technology base of a company's products and services is a decisive …

  6. TL Cybermapping – TransferLab Cybermapping

    TL Cybermapping – TransferLab Cybermapping

    Cooperation between DFKI and Deutsche Bundesbank in a transfer lab on various topics in the financial sector, e.g. the detection of errors and …

  7. AKRIMA – Automatic Adaptive Crisis Monitoring and Management System

    AKRIMA – Automatic Adaptive Crisis Monitoring and Management System

    The Corona virus pandemic and recent extreme weather situations showed how important coordinated and effective (corporate) crisis management really …

  8. KAINE – Knowledge based learning platform with Artificial Intelligent structured content

    KAINE – Knowledge based learning platform with Artificial Intelligent structured content

    The goal of the research project KAINE (Knowledge based learning platform with Artificial Intelligent structured content) is to better take into …

  9. myRPA – Experience-based Robotic Process Automation for Knowledge-based Personal Assistants

    myRPA – Experience-based Robotic Process Automation for Knowledge-based Personal Assistants

    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) enables further automation of processes across existing systems. As RPA can act like humans and thus is able to read, …

  10. TRIPLEADAPT – Adaptive, interoperationale Weiterbildungsplattformen durch einen Digitalen Drilling

    TRIPLEADAPT – Adaptive, interoperationale Weiterbildungsplattformen durch einen Digitalen Drilling

    Das übergeordnete Projektziel ist die partizipative Entwicklung eines Digitalen Drillings unter Einbindung aller relevanter betrieblicher Akteure, …