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Displaying results 51 to 60 of 61.
  1. CoPDA – Comprehensive Perception and Dynamic Anchoring

    CoPDA – Comprehensive Perception and Dynamic Anchoring

    “Robot, bring me my cordless screwdriver!” This is a plausible command for a service robot, in a production environment as in a private home. Robots …

  2. Agro-Nordwest – Agro-Nordwest: experimental field for digital transformation in agricultural crop production

    Agro-Nordwest – Agro-Nordwest: experimental field for digital transformation in agricultural crop production

    The Experimental Field Agro-Nordwest focuses on the practical digital transformation, mainly in arable farming. Considering the aspects of economy, …

  3. DIMOFAC – Digital Intelligent MOdular FACtories

    DIMOFAC – Digital Intelligent MOdular FACtories

    The digitalization of industry opens the path for mass customization but requires leveraging the existing manufacturing ecosystems and establishing a …

  4. Testfeld Helgoland 2019 – Testfeld Helgoland 2019

    Testfeld Helgoland 2019 – Testfeld Helgoland 2019

    The Test Center for Maritime Technologies on Helgoland is led by the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM …

  5. ZLA – Zukunftslabor Agrar

    ZLA – Zukunftslabor Agrar

    Digitisation of agriculture (DdL), like digitisation in every field of application, requires technical permeability of the value creation networks …

  6. Mare-IT – Informationstechnologien für maritime Anwendungen

    Mare-IT – Informationstechnologien für maritime Anwendungen

    The project Mare-IT focusses on the question, how the information flow can be realized between robotic systems, control stations, systems for …

  7. ROBDEKON – Robotersystem für die Dekontamination in menschenfeindlichen Umgebungen

    ROBDEKON – Robotersystem für die Dekontamination in menschenfeindlichen Umgebungen

    ROBDEKON stands for "Robot systems for decontamination in hostile environments" and is dedicated to research in the field of autonomous or …

  8. JIRo – Joint Inspection Robot

    JIRo – Joint Inspection Robot

    The project JIRo is a joint venture of Shell Brasil and the Brazilian Institute for Robotics (BIR), which is a cooperation between the Brazilian …

  9. TRACTAT – Transfer of Control (ToC) zwischen Autonomen Systemen und Menschen

    TRACTAT – Transfer of Control (ToC) zwischen Autonomen Systemen und Menschen

    The TRACTAT project aims to lay the foundation for a smooth and effective Transfer of Control (ToC) between autonomous systems and humans in …

  10. TransFit – Flexible interaction for infrastructures establishment by means of teleoperation and direct collaboration; transfer into industry 4.0

    TransFit – Flexible interaction for infrastructures establishment by means of teleoperation and direct collaboration; transfer into industry 4.0

    TransFIT is part of the space road map of the DFKI RIC. The project does focus on the assembly and installation of infrastructure for space …